Sunday, March 7, 2010

I went outside today….

Crocus_3710 It was another glorious day of sunshine, much needed after the longest winter I can remember since I moved to Tennessee waaaay back in January, 1980.  I almost thought I was back living in Chicago (a great city that I still love).  But no matter, winter is  over now!  The last of the maple sap is dripping into my bucket (yes, I made maple syrup this year – quite the adventure!), the crocuses are showing their bright purple, and the tulips are peeking little tiny green tips through the dirt.  Life is good. 

I also got a good start on the redesign of  the Lavender Cottage website.  Not a lot there yet, but the ‘bones’ are done, ideas are flowing, and I am enjoying the process.  It’s been a year and a half since I left my job as a computer programmer, and it feels good to get my head back into geeky technical things for a bit.  So, that is why no Saturday Night at the Market or Sunday Morning Coffee and Etsy this week.  I do have some great finds, though, and I will be posting about them next weekend.  StarsintheMist3

Meanwhile, I’ll be working hard on new designs, orders and just breathing in the fine spring breezes each day.  I did make a new ring this week that I’m thrilled about with the beautiful star sapphire I’ve had stashed away for a long time.  It will be a hard one to part with, indeed!

Hope you all have a fine week, and that spring breezes are blowing your way, too!


  1. What a beautiful way to start Spring.

  2. WOW! GOLD! I keep saying I want to make a ring in gold but I just can't afford it right now!

  3. Oh - meant to say your website is coming along nicely. I know what a pain that can be. I am trying to redo the network website. Have a start:

    It just takes so much time!

  4. Thanks for the kind words, you guys! Janice, the website looks fabulous - great job! I can't wait to see how it develops. I really need to get back and see what everyone has been doing over there!
